The priming sows are postponed, resulting in low reproductive performance and utilization. The test induced estrus in the gilts of the growing binary binary hybrids by gonadotropin in order to improve their reproductive performance and utilization.
MOREUsing PG600 as a control, a novel hormone preparation FG600 (cell engineering product type FSH+HCG) was used to conduct a seductive breeding test on non-estrus gilts over 10 months old, 1 week after weaning, and 2 weeks after weaning. Explore the opt...
MOREUsing the normal estrus and PG600 as control, the new hormonal preparation FG600 (cell engineering product FSH+HCG) was used to conduct the simultaneous seduction test on the 8~9 month old gilts to further determine the optimal dose of FG600 and the ...