
Chorionic Gonadotrophin(HCG)

Release Date:2019-06-06

Chorionic Gonadotrophin

CAS NO.9002-61-3

ChorionicGonadotrophin is a Gonadotrophin obtained from the  urine of pregnant woman. The potency is notless than 4500 IU of gonadotrophin activity per milligram, calculated withreference to the anhydrous substance, which complies with the BP standard.

Pharmacologicalproperties The product has intrinsic FSH and LH-likeactivity. In female animals, hCG stimulates formation of corpus luteum hormoneand induce ovulation of the dominant follicles, no effect on immaturefollicles. In the male, hCG stimulates formation of testosterone, thusinfluencing the development and maintenance of primary and secondary malesexual characteristics, for the anatomically normal animals, hCG can causestesticular descent in animals with cryptorchidism.

Indicationfor useSex hormone. (1)Used for treatment of sexualdysfunction, habitual abortion and ovarian cyst, etc.

(2) Promotematuration of parent fish’s gonads, used for spawning induction of silver carpsand bighead carps.

      Guangzhou Weisheng Medicine Technology Co., Ltd

  • Contact Number

    Business Cooperation:020-89859954



    No. 9 Dongcheng 1st Street, Economic and Technological Development, Guangzhou

