
Gonarelin for injection (蘊立得?)

Release Date:2018-01-12


Gonadorelinfor injection

Active IngredientsGonadorelin

AppearanceThis product is white or off-white lumps orpowder.

Pharmacological properties

Hormone drugs. Intravenousor intramuscular injection of physiological doses of gonadorelin(GnRH) can cause significant increase of LH and slightincrease of FSH in plasma, ovarian development and ovulation in female,testicular development and spermatogenesis in male.

After intramuscularadministration in cows, gonadorelin will is rapidly absorbed from the injectionsite, and rapidly metabolized into smaller inactive peptides and amino acids,then excreted in the urine.

Indication for use

Gonadorelin induces therelease of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone from anteriorpituitary. It can be used in the treatment of inactive ovary of dairy cow and theirestrus synchronization.

Dosage and administration route

Intramuscular injection after dissolving by water forinjection or saline. The Ovsynch program can be started once inactive ovary ofcows are diagnosed, or around 50 days postpartum for estrus synchronization.

The Ovsynch program: 100 -200μg gonadorelin is injected onday 1 for each cow, then 0.5mg cloprostenol sodium will be injected on day 7,repeat inject gonadorelin at samedose after 48h, 18 ~ 20h later, artificial insemination will be proceed.


Follow the recommendeddosage and administration route, no adverse effect was observed.


(1) Prohibit for growthpromoting.

(2) Not suitable to useother kinds of hormones simultaneously after usage of this product.

(3) Do not expose this drugto children.

Withdrawal period】 Meat: 7 days; milk: 12 h

Specifications100 μg, 200 μg

Package】 10vials per box

StorageSeal tightly and protect from light

Shelf-life】 2 years

      Guangzhou Weisheng Medicine Technology Co., Ltd

  • Contact Number

    Business Cooperation:020-89859954



    No. 9 Dongcheng 1st Street, Economic and Technological Development, Guangzhou

