
Sodium cloprosamine for injection (利生舒?)

Release Date:2018-01-12


          Cloprostenol Sodium for Injection

【Active Ingredients】 CloprostenolSodium

Appearance】  This product is white freeze-dried lumps

Pharmacologicalproperties】  This product is an analogue of prostaglandin F, has strong effect on dissolving corpusluteum. CloprostenolSodium causes corpusluteum regression quickly and suppresses its secretoty activity, cansignificantly excite uterine smooth muscle, induce the contraction of uterinesmooth muscle and relax the cervix. Regularly cycling animals usually showestrus within 2-5 days post administration; Cow at the gestation period of 10~150 dayswill abort within 2~[A1] 3 days after administration.

Indication for use】 Prostaglandins. Mainlyused for oestrus synchronization in cow and induction of parturition in sow.

Interactions with other drugsCloprostenolSodium can enhance the activity of other oxytocic agents.

Dosage and administration routeIntramuscular injection. For oestrus synchronization in cow, inject 0.4~0.6 mg at once; repeatadministration after 11 days; for induction ofparturition in sow, 0.05~0.2 mg, within 3 days prior to the predicted farrowing date.

Adverse effects】 Using this product in late pregnant animals may reduce efficacyand increase the risk of dystocia.

Specialprecautions】(1) Do not use in gestating animals, unless it is desirable toinduce parturition or induction ofabortion.

(2) For induction of parturition, premature use isstrictly prohibited.

(3) This product may cause abortionand acute bronchospasm, be careful when handling. Pregnant women, asthmaticsand people with other respiratory problems should operate the productdiscreetly;

(4) Inhaling fast acting bronchial dilation drugs to relieve the dyspnea result fromaccidental inhalation or injection.

(5) This product can be easily absorbed through the skin, wearrubber or disposable gloves when handling, wash hands thoroughly with soapafter finishing the operation. Accidental spillage on the skin should be washed offimmediately with water.

(6) Do not use this product togetherwith antipyretic analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs;

(7) Empty vials should be burieddeeply or burned. Waste materials derived from this product should be disposedof in approved waste disposal equipment, do not dispose undiluted waste on spot.Don’t contaminate water, feed and food by this product.
    【Withdrawal period】None

Specifications】  0.1 mg, 0.2 mg , 0.5 mg/vial

Package】  10 vials per box

Storage】  Seal tightly, keep in a shady and cool place

Shelf-life】 2 years


      Guangzhou Weisheng Medicine Technology Co., Ltd

  • Contact Number

    Business Cooperation:020-89859954



    No. 9 Dongcheng 1st Street, Economic and Technological Development, Guangzhou

